Don’t Fear the Truth – Bulletin, Live Stream, and Announcements for August 25, 2024

This week, Jonathan Kimball will be preaching on John 6:56-69, “Don’t Fear the Truth.” Let us worship together Sunday at 9:45.


Live stream link:


  • On Saturday, August 24, we are hosting a disc golf tournament at 9:30 am. Flyer: 2024 FPC Disc Golf Tournament – Flyer. Registration closes Friday, 8/23, at 5 pm.
  • Immediately following the disc golf, there will be an ice cream social in the fellowship hall. Games for kids start at 10:30 with ice cream at 11:00. Please join us! Flyer: Ice Cream Social
  • The chancel choir will be returning from its summer hiatus soon. Rehearsals begin August 28 at 7 pm and continue every Wednesday. The choir will first participate in worship on September 8. All singers welcome!

Sermon Podcasts!

In case you didn’t know, we publish podcasts of just the sermon each week. If you want to receive them in your favorite podcast app, use this RSS feed:

You should also be able to find it by searching within Spotify, iTunes, and YouTube Music, and possibly other platforms. Search for “First Presbyterian Church of Rolla.” Podcasts are normally posted Sunday afternoon, though they are sometimes delayed due to travel or technical difficulties.

Do We Believe or Do We Follow? Bulletin, live stream, and announcements for August 18, 2024

Let us worship God together and build our spiritual houses on solid rock this Sunday, August 18. Rev. Bob Morrison will be preaching on Matthew 7:21-27.


Live stream link:


  • On August 24, we are hosting a Disc Golf Tournament at 9:30 am. It will be followed by an ice cream social at the fellowship hall at 11:00 am. Please join us! Open to disc golfers, congregation, preschool families, or anyone else who likes ice cream!
  • Chancel choir will begin rehearsal on Wednesday, August 28, at 7 pm. They will participate in worship starting September 8. All singers welcome!

Commissioning Service Recording

On August 11, 2024, Jonathan Kimball became a commissioned ruling elder (CRE), commissioned by John Calvin Presbytery to serve First Presbyterian Church of Rolla. He will be a part-time CRE while continuing his work at Missouri S&T. He will preach twice monthly and perform other pastoral duties. His commissioning service was recorded and is available here:

Food for the Journey – Announcements, Bulletin, Live Stream for August 11, 2024

Let us worship together this Sunday at 9:45 am. Jonathan Kimball will be preaching, “Food for the Journey,” based on John 6:35, 41-51.


Live stream link:

Also this Sunday, we are hosting a John Calvin Presbytery event at 4:00 that will start with a commissioning service for Jonathan Kimball. Please join us as he becomes a commissioned ruling elder to lead our church. The service will be followed by an education time led by Paul Grier, “Discovering Joy through Grace, Gifts, and Generosity”. Register today if you plan to stay for the education time and optional dinner.