How To Defile Yourself – Bulletin, Live Stream, and Announcements for September 1, 2024

Let us worship together this Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost. Susan Murray will be preaching, “How to Defile Yourself,” based on Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23. We will also celebrate the Lord’s Supper together.


Live stream link:


  • The Chancel Choir has begun rehearsals, Wednesdays at 7 pm. All singers are welcome to join this important part of our worship.
  • First Friday Out will be September 6 at 6 pm at Koi. Contact Javier by this Sunday for reservations.
  • We will start the Fall Bible Study on Wednesday, Sep 11th, at 6 PM. The book for our Fall series is “A Is for Alabaster” by Anna Carter Florence. The paperback book is available from several book websites, but the best-listed price is currently from the PCUSA store, as it is on sale for $13. We will discuss the lesson “A is for Abigail” on Sep 11th, and “A is for Alabaster” on Sep 18th. The Fall Bible Study series will have 12 lessons and end on Wednesday, Dec 4th.