Bread of Life – Announcements, Bulletin, Live Stream for August 4, 2024

Please join us this Sunday at 9:45 am as Susan Murray preaches, “Bread of Life,” based on John 6:24-35 and officiates the Lord’s Supper.


Live stream link:


  • First Friday Out will be August 2 at 5:30 pm and has been moved to Ay Caramba!
  • Please join us on August 11 at 4:00 pm for a commissioning service and workshop! John Calvin Presbytery has responded to your question, ‘How will my church meet the challenges ahead?’ “Discovering Joy through Grace, Gifts, and Generosity”, an interactive educational event will be held after the Called Meeting of JCP to commission Jonathan Kimball as CRE. We are fortunate to have nationally known leader, Paul Grier of the Presbyterian Foundation, as our speaker. There is no cost for the workshop! Please join us! More details and registration.