What I Learned About Pentecost – Bulletin, Live Stream Link, and Announcements for May 28, 2023

Please join us for worship this Sunday, the Day of Pentecost. WEAR RED! Susan Murray will be preaching on Acts 2:1-21, an event sometimes called the birthday of the Christian church.


Live stream link: https://youtube.com/live/WEN8l7FIXyQ?feature=share


  • If you need a ride to worship, contact a deacon or the church office (573-364-3852).
  • There will be a called congregational meeting next Sunday, June 4, at 9:30 a.m. (before worship).
  • Our weekly Bible study is on hiatus for the summer. It will resume in August.
  • First Friday Out is June 2, 6 pm, Colton’s. Contact Jonathan Kimball for a reservation.
  • We will be collecting the Pentecost offering on Sunday. Of the total donation, 40%  stays locally and will be given to G.R.A.C.E. for Kids.