Healing a Broken World – Bulletin & Live Stream Link for February 12, 2023

Please join us for worship this Sixth Sunday After Epiphany. Jonathan Kimball will be preaching, using Matthew 5:21-37. Live stream link: https://youtube.com/live/uI37Br3fpYQ?feature=share


Lent is approaching! We will start with a special Ash Wednesday event on February 22. We will gather in the sanctuary for a meal at 6:00 (that is, bring your own dinner and be ready to eat at 6:00). Then we will begin our Lenten book study, Meeting Jesus at the Table. Finally, we will have a short service culminating in imposition of ashes. We intend to finish the service in time for choir practice at 7:00.

Then throughout Lent, we will meet each Wednesday at 6:00 in the sanctuary. Again bring your own dinner. We will go through the book at a pace of one chapter per week.

At this time, the paperback of our study is on backorder from the PC(USA) store but is available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Cokesbury. It is NOT available on Kindle yet (embargoed until March 1) but IS available on Nook.