A Note from Stewardship & Finance

The Stewardship & Finance committee has two closely related roles.  During most of the year, our only task is to monitor income and expenses and identify any areas of concern.  Our financial statements are all audited by Verkamp & Malone, who generate a long report that our treasurer, Barbara Ford, uses to compare cash flow against our budget.  Then each fall, we organize a stewardship campaign that emphasizes giving as an expression of our relationship with God and His work in the world.  After the fall campaign, we assemble a budget that the Session reviews and approves.

As you know, we are going through a transition now.  I would like to personally thank Barb for stepping up to help.  Eventually our new office manager will take over the day-to-day tasks, and our committee will go back to its oversight role.  I would also like to make it clear that our financial information is readily available to anyone who is interested.  Barb’s reports are posted in the hallway, and anyone on the committee—myself, Ray Fox, Sharlene Morgan, Mary Williams, or Barb—should be able to answer most of your questions.  The exception is that any information about individual giving is known only to Barb and the office manager, and that’s only for tracking purposes.  Thank you.

(Announcement made July 15 by Jonathan Kimball)