Burning the Chaff – Bulletin & Live Stream for December 4, 2022

Join us for worship this Second Sunday of Advent. Jonathan Kimball will be preaching, using Matthew 3:1-12. Communion will be celebrated. There are a few announcements in the bulletin.


Live stream link: https://youtu.be/9NG0kDBAvQE

Please note that the Christmas Eve service will be at 6 pm, and we will have a special service on Christmas Day in the chapel at 9:45 am.

During the Advent Season, we will be participating in the Christmas Joy offering. This is one of the PCUSA’s special offerings. The PCUSA reflects God’s gift to us through this offering with generous gifts supporting church leaders among us–retired, present and future. Half of the offering supports past and present leaders who may be in emergency situations while the other half goes to preparing the way for future leaders. This makes it possible for students to learn and grow in faith at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color.

There are special envelopes on the table as you come into the church. We will be collecting this offering until December 28.