The Day and Hour Unknown – Bulletin & Live Stream Link for November 27, 2022

Please join us for worship on this First Sunday of Advent. Pastor Greg Emery will be our special guest, preaching on Matthew 24:36-44. Pastor Emery has been working with our church, and particularly our PNC, during this time of transition.


If you are worshipping remotely and you have an Advent wreath, it would be appropriate for you to have it set up and ready to light along with us, as a reminder that God’s light shines everywhere. Live stream link:

A few announcements/reminders:

  • Rehearsal for the cantata, “A Midnight Clear,” has begun. Choir rehearsal is Wednesdays at 7 p.m. The cantata will be December 18.
  • We are collecting peanut butter and jelly for The Rolla Mission and GRACE.
  • There is also a sign-up for Christmas basket donations in the sanctuary.
  • If you need a ride, or know someone who needs a ride, to worship services, the deacons are providing this service. Contact Katie in the church office or talk with one of the deacons.
  • There are multiple Christian education offerings after Thanksgiving. They start this week!
    • “A Close Look at Jesus’s Birth,” led by Lloyd Evans. Two sessions: Wednesdays at 10:30 AM (in person only) and Thursday at 7 pm (in person and on Zoom).
    • John Calvin Presbytery will have an Advent Bible study via Zoom, Songs for the WaitingRegister here