Temptation in the Desert – Bulletin and Live Stream Link for March 6, 2022

Join us on this first Sunday in Lent for worship at 9:45 am. Jonathan Kimball will be preaching, “Temptation in the Desert,” based on Luke 4:1-13. We will also be celebrating communion, so if you are viewing our live stream, be sure to collect communion elements in advance.

Bulletin2022-3.6 com

Throughout Lent, we will be collecting for the Baskets of Hope, to benefit Russell House, GRACE, and The Rolla Mission. This first Sunday, we are collecting paper towels and toilet paper. The full list is posted on our website.

We are all watching the Russian invasion of Ukraine in horror, and most of us in confusion over the historical context. To help us all understand the situation better, Missouri S&T is hosting an event on Wednesday, March 9, at 4 pm, via Zoom:

The Russian Invasion of Ukraine: An Interdisciplinary Panel Discussion


Panel on Russia and Ukraine