Bulletin, Live Stream Link for February 13

On this Sixth Sunday After Epiphany, Jonathan Kimball will be preaching. The sermon, “The Kingdom of God is Enough,” will be based on Jeremiah 17:5-10 and Luke 6:17-26.


This is also SOUPER Bowl Sunday. As in past years, we recognize a food mission in our community with the donations on Super Bowl Sunday.  This year we are giving to the Back Pack Program and will have collection containers available after worship.   If you are worshiping remotely and wish to contribute, put Souper Bowl in the information line on your check.

By the way, the live stream link below (and every week’s link) will also take you to the archived recording after the service. Typically, it is tweaked on Monday to cut out dead time at the beginning, and time stamps are added so that you can go directly to the anthem, sermon, and other important worship elements.