Live Stream Link, Bulletin, and Announcements for October 24

Jonathan Kimball’s sermon this Sunday, Christ’s Reconciling Love, is based on Hebrews 7:18-28 and Mark 10:46-52.


Live stream link:

  • Mission and Outreach are collecting financial donations for two efforts. One is a COVID emerging needs matching grant. John Calvin Presbytery will match donations made by October 31, 2:1.
  • The other collection is for JCPDA Blue Buckets. Rather than asking for actual supplies, we are asking for funding to support JCPDA’s purchase of supplies.
  • We will have a gathering in the chapel after fellowship to discuss our church’s future. A small group of elders met with Greg Emery recently; time to get going again in discussions about our next installed pastor.
  • Our next Zoom Christian ed gathering will be Thursday, October 28, based on a reading, “Large Space Rocks That Pass ‘Near’ Earth Help Us Think About God of the Cosmos.” If you need the Zoom link or the reading, contact Jonathan Kimball or Javier Valentin-Sivico.