Sunday, May 27, 2012

On this Day of Pentecost, Pastor Lee’s sermon, “Gift Helper” is based on scriptures from Psalm 104: 24-34 and Acts 2: 1-21. The Bell Choir will be performing several selections. The Choir Introit is Come Holy Spirit and the Anthem is For the Beauty of the Earth. There will be a carry in celebration to say farewell to Joe Senne as he moves to California. Nursery is provided during the service.

We are very excited about our upcoming Vacation Bible School on June 3 from 6-8 pm through Thursday, from 6-8 pm —- “SonRise National Park.” There will be lively songs, creative crafts, exciting games, Bible stories, and tasty snacks. Ages are 3 years old to 5th grade. Registration is at the door.

Amy Mazzeo will be performing a senior vocal recital on Sunday, June 3 at 2:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Everyone is invited to all of these upcoming events!