Note from Worship and Music Committee

Worship and Music
Minute for Session,
May 20, 2012

The job of the worship and music committee is fairly simple… so simple that much of it is invisible to the congregation. Indeed, over the years, many committee tasks have been adopted by groups such as the ushers, or by individuals and even by the church staff. On behalf of us all, we express great gratitude to them… As a committee, one of our ongoing jobscontinues to be trying to find out who does what.

To make a long story shorter, the Worship and Music Committee supports the Pastor and Choir as they lead the congregation in worship every Sunday.

Most of the time what we do are some of the quiet week to week routine tasks that support worship services.

– We try to make sure there is someone to be worship leader every Sunday.

– We try to make sure there are elders to serve communion on the first Sunday of the month, and on other occasions when the Lord’s Supper is celebrated.

– We prepare the Communion meal.

– We organize and prepare special services on special days such as Ash Wednesday. Sometimes that involves preparing and serving a regular meal.

Most of these tasks involve recruiting people. To do these tasks regularly and weekly we need more people to help.

We would like more people to join us on the committee, but you do not have to be on the committee to help.

Talk to us, ask us to tell you more about what we do. Call us or the church office and say you’d like to help.

We are
Vashy Rahaman
Shirley Andrews
Jean Day
and Dixie Finley