Worship Update

On Monday November 16, the Session voted to suspend in person worship services through at least January 24, 2021.   We will continue to provide video and podcast worship services.  Also, our church office will remain closed to visitors.  Our office manager will be answering the phones, email, and mail.  Our pastor, as always, is available by phone and email.  Please take care of each other and yourselves.

Prayer from the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson and the Rev. Dr. Diane Moffett

God, our refuge and strength,
these are truly trying times for all of us
as we face a rapidly spreading virus,
with panic buying that has left grocery shelves nearly empty and supplies in great demand.
We have seen the worst in people and the best.
Yet, through it all, we take hope in Christ
and Christ’s promise to never leave us.
We are holding one another in prayer.
Like the rest of the country,
our Presbyterian communities are physically separated, but we are still deeply connected through our common humanity, spirituality, and strong faith in you, our God. Amen.
—The Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, Stated Clerk of the PC(USA), and the Rev. Dr. Diane Moffett, President and Executive Director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency