Update on Worship

April 20, 2020

Dear Church Family and Friends:

It has been several weeks since we last met together in person.  In March, as we first initiated our Covid-19 related building closures, we were hoping to worship together by the first week of May.  As the world has turned, the elders met and decided we would try to worship together in our sanctuary on May 24, 2020 at 9:45 a.m.  In this unpredictable time, we realize this date is tentative and depends on the direction from our national, state, and local leaders.  If we need to re-evaluate the date we will, but until then, we will plan to meet on May 24.

Until we are able to meet in person, we will continue to post weekly sermons on this webpage.  You can contact our church office if you have any concerns or questions.  We hope you continue to engage with one another while practicing physical distancing.  We hope you continue to be the church, even as we are separated by distance.  Keep one another in your prayers, and know we will meet again.


Pastor Lou Ellen

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Sunday Worship Services are scheduled to resume on May 24,2020.
  • Worship reflections will be available online through our website (rollapresby.org) or on our First Presbyterian Church Facebook page.
  • The Building will continue to be closed until further notice, even after May 24, except for staff and trustees.
  • All face to face meetings on church property are cancelled.
  • Preschool will be upstairs in the education wing until the state advises otherwise.