Maundy Thursday Communion and Easter Sunday

Dear Church Family:
We have been away from each other for a couple of weeks now. Even though we have not been worshiping together in our sanctuary, we are still the church and able to do the work and mission of the church. Our preschool is still functioning while following the guidelines of Heath and Senior Services of the State of Missouri. I know many of you are keeping track of one another and trying to maintain contact. The session, deacons, and trustees continue to carry out the responsibilities of their offices. We are blessed to have dedicated leadership who are flexible and creative.
There are several ways in which we are trying to maintain worship and spiritual nurture during this season. Every Sunday I am uploading a sermon/reflection based on our lectionary passages. I am also posting daily readings for reflection and prayer. the country to worship on Easter together.
Several of you have asked about Communion. Until recently, the General Assembly has asked congregations to forego having any kind of “virtual” sacraments. Communion is about the body of Christ gathering to worship, pray, and commune together in the same physical space. The Office of the General Assembly has since loosened their guidelines and is now allowing us to share in the Lord’s Supper over the internet. As we face a time of physical separation, we must be able to adapt to these extraordinary circumstances, and the OGA is allowing sessions to determine how they will do this. Our session has approved virtual Communion to be served on Maundy Thursday, April 9 at 6:30 pm. I will post the video on YouTube so we may all share in the sacrament together. You may have your own bread and wine/juice in your home. Whatever you have available is fine. Let’s just be available to mark this Holy Thursday together.
On Easter Sunday, instead of posting my usual reflection, there will be a special video worship provided by our national leadership. Many Presbyterians will be joining together to worship as the body of Christ. The video will be available Sunday morning at our regular worship time.
If you have any concerns during this time, please do not hesitate to call me at 912-230-5398 or email me at Watch for emails or check Facebook or our website for information concerning the posts.
I pray you are all well and safely sheltering in place. May peace, hope, and love abound in your lives.
Pastor Lou Ellen