Church Closure


March 17, 2020



Dear Church Family:

It is with a heavy heart that I write this letter to you today.  The world in which we live has taken a turn many of us could never imagine.  We have been told to gather in fewer and fewer numbers and to avoid close contact, to practice social distancing, and to quarantine.  The most recent federal recommendation is to limit group gatherings to under ten people.  In an effort to follow those guidelines the Session met on Monday March 16 and voted to suspend all worship services and face to face meetings beginning with Fired Up on Thursday March 19.  We hope to return to our regular worship and meeting schedule on Sunday May 3.  The Session may revisit our reopening during their regular meeting in April to determine if we need to open sooner or later.  While we are closed, you may go to our web page at or to our Facebook page where I will post video sermons and reflections.

I will be available via email ( or phone 912-230-5398. Katie Sands, our office manager, will maintain office hours for the time being.  Our custodial staff, Tina Sands and Cassie Mudd, will work to sanitize the sanctuary and all areas not used by the preschool.  Please note, during our closure, we ask that no one but church staff or trustees enter the building.  Even if you have a key, please do not enter the church building.

For the time being our preschool will remain open.  The State Department of Health and Senior Services recommends, at this time, that preschools remain open unless there is a confirmed case in the community.  If or when there is a confirmed case in Rolla, the preschool will then follow the guidelines provided by the state.  Currently, they are following sanitary protocols provided by the state. Also, they will begin having parents pick up and drop off at the door so additional adults are not entering the building.

Please understand these decisions are difficult, that information is constantly flowing and recommendations change quickly.  We will follow what the government’s recommendations and try to make the best decisions for our church, mission, and community.  If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact a session member.  If you need assistance getting your groceries, prescriptions, or trip to the doctor, please let us know.  While we will not be worshiping together as we are accustomed, we are still the church.  We still care for one another and our neighbors.  This is a time for us to reach out as we are able, through notes and phone calls, offering assistance, praying for one another, and doing our part to ease the virus’ spread.  I pray we all move forward in peace and health, graciously and patiently supporting one another until this trial passes. We will send out updates as they arise.  Be well.

Thank you and God bless you all,


Pastor Lou Ellen


  • All Worship Services including Fired UP! will be cancelled beginning Wednesday 18, 2020. (NO Fired UP! on Thursday March 19.)


  • Worship Services are scheduled to resume on May 3, 2020.


  • Worship reflections will be available online through our website ( or on our First Presbyterian Church web page.


  • The Building will be closed beginning Saturday March 21 – May 2 except for staff and trustees.


  • All face to face meetings on church property are cancelled.


  • Preschool will be upstairs in the education wing until the state advises otherwise.


  • If you have questions, please contact a session member.


Ken Kwantes            465-5569

Britt Whitaker            578-0081

Pam Cottingham      364-1079

Jan Roberts               364-2841

Susan Murray, clerk of session     308-9569

Jonathan Kimball     217-621-4586

Deanne Jackson      578-4380

Maudanne Pursely  201-9292

Nora Sandquist     368-6779

Pastor Lou Ellen Hartley     912-230-5398