August 16, 2015

The title of Reverend Bob Morrison’s sermon for the week of August 16, 2015 is Rewinding the Clock based on scriptures from Philippians 3: 12-14.  The hymns for Sunday are Come, Now Is the Time to Worship; Shine, Jesus, Shine; Spirit, Now Live in Me and One Bread, One Body.

Worship begins at 9:45 am, followed by fellowship at 11:00 a.m.  Our church provides a Nursery during worship service.  First Presbyterian Church is located at 919 E. Tenth Street in Rolla.  Our website is

Our informal worship service, FIRED UP! is held Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall.

A new Monday morning Bible study will begin at 10 am on August 17.  It is open to everyone.

A carry-in cold lunch will be served in the fellowship hall following worship on Sunday morning.  Please join us in showing Rev. Morrison our appreciation for his time with us pending the arrival of our called pastor.