150-4-150 Challenge

The church has received a gift of $150.00 from an anonymous donor who has issued a challenge to other members of First Presbyterian:
“Will you be creative giving of our time, talent and/or treasure in order commemorate our 150th anniversary by focusing on this special number?”
~ Possible ways to meet the 150 Challenge:
~ 150 Seconds (2 and ½ minutes) of prayer every day.
~ 150 Minutes (2 and ½ hours) of:
– Volunteering at the church or community organization
– Reading the Bible to yourself or someone.
– Visiting someone homebound
– Picking 150 flowers and giving it to someone
~ Presidential Portraits:
– 150 Abraham Lincolns (Penny) or $1.50
– 150 Thomas Jeffersons (Nickel) or $7.50
– 150 Franklin Roosevelts (Quarter) or $37.50
– 150 George Washingtons ($1.00 Dollar Bill) or $150.00
– 150 Abraham Lincolns ($5.00 Dollar Bill) or $750.00
Remember, these are just suggestions. Be creative! You may come up with other permutations of 150. The important thing to remember is that whatever you choose to do is that it be spiritually enlightening and brings you to a closer relationship with God.
If you choose to participate, please indicate a person or ministry to honor and thank. For example: Mary Kwantes for leading the 150th Anniversary activities … our exceptional Music Ministries … our exceptional Deacons … you get the idea …