Lenten Luncheons

The annual Lenten Luncheons, sponsored by the Presbyterian Women, will be held March 27, April 3 and April 10.

Circle V will be in charge, but all women of the church are encouraged to participate.  A sign up sheet is in the hall.

The theme of the services is “Hope” and the speakers are Associate Pastor Mike Summers from 1st United Methodist Church, Rev. Lindy Hardwick, Hospice Chaplain, PCRMC, and Rev. John Oerter, Interim Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Rolla.

Cost of the luncheon is $3.00 which is donated to “One Great Hour of Sharing”.

The Presbyterian Women have purchased and installed a new garbage disposal for the church kitchen.

The Spring General meeting will be May 10 at 11:00 am in the Fellowship Hall.