Worship Committee News

I failed to include Jonathan’s article in the January Newsletter.

Happy New Year!  As I have recently stepped up to chair the worship & music committee, I wanted to share a few thoughts with everyone.  The first thing I have learned is how many people contribute to making worship happen, both those visible (like John, Jeff and Lorie) and those behind the scenes.  The other thing I have realized is how difficult it is to balance competing objectives in planning worship: being liturgically and theologically correct; maintaining continuity while being open to change; managing logistics; fostering an openness to the Holy Spirit; and making each service meaningful to most or all congregants.  During this time of transition, we are also updating our order of worship in hopes of achieving a better balance.  If you have any suggestions, the committee will consider them and integrate them as appropriate.  Also, if you would like to participate in the planning and execution of worship, please contact me, or come to one of our regular meetings (generally, second Monday of the month at 5:30pm).

I would also like to mention a few changes that you should expect.  First, we will continue to introduce new-sounding hymns.  Our target for now is one song per month, possibly increasing as our little band, the New Presby Minstrels, builds its repertoire.  If you are an instrumentalist who would like to join the band, or if there are particular songs that we should consider using, please let me know.  Second, in response to a member’s wonderful suggestion, we are going to experiment with changes to the Doxology and Gloria Patri (one at a time!).  Although we are all comfortable with these two choral responses, that comfort can sometimes blind us to their meaning.  We will try new words for the Doxology that are more inclusive (and that address the full Trinity in a more balanced way) and a new tune for the Gloria Patri.  Finally, we will continue to tweak the order of worship—no big changes, but small adjustments to improve flow.

Again, thanks to all of you who make worship a meaningful experience for me and for all congregants.  I wish you peace in the new year.

Jonathan Kimball, Worship & Music Committee Chair