December 15, 2013

The choir will present the Christmas cantata this Sunday during worship.  It is titled “Journey of Promises” by Joseph M. Martin.

Please have food and gifts to the church by Tuesday, December 17th for the Mission Committee to prepare.

The Joy Offering will be taken throughout the month of December, ending December 29th.

We have a single DVD of the reunion choir worship service.  Anyone who can and is willing to burn additional copies for distribution, please contact the office.  We will provide the discs.

Membership caroling is scheduled for December 22 at 5:00 p.m. Please meet at the church at five, dressed warmly for the weather.

The PW Board would like to thank all those who donated cookies, bake goods, and other items to the Cookie Walk/Holiday Sale.

We have a few of the Heritage Cookbooks ready for distribution.  If you placed an order at the Cookie Walk, please see Betti Jo in the office.  The books are $10.00 each. Another set will be prepared as soon as possible.  You may call the office to place an order.

Preschool’s last day for the year will be December 20, 2013.

If you would like to provide a poinsettia for the sanctuary for Christmas Eve in honor or memory of someone, please complete a form provided in the bulletins weekly and return it to the office by Wednesday, December 18th.  Please bring your poinsettia to the church by no later than Friday, December 20 by 3:30 p.m. so we may arrange them for Christmas Eve.