Staff Appreciation …

Christmas time is the time to not only celebrate the birth of our Savior, but a time of gratitude for the gift of the Christ child.  It is a wonderful time, when in the spirit of generosity, we can show our appreciation for others who daily share their talents with us.  If you would like to show your gratitude for any OR ALL of our staff, please feel free to present them with a card/or monetary gift, individually.  If you prefer your gift to be anonymous, feel free to give your Christmas gift to one of our Personnel Committee members (Britt Whitaker, Ken Kwantes, Marilyn Schmidt, Eleanor Van Horn, Sharlene Morgan or Ardel Rueff) who will happily pass it on to the designated person.  What a delightful opportunity this is to show appreciation to our Pastor, our Office Manager, our church Sexton, our Accompanist and our Music Director.

Wishing for you a joyous Christmas, The Personnel Committee