November 17, 2013

The title of Pastor John Oerter’s sermon for the week of November 17, 2013 is Living in a World on Fire based on scriptures from Luke 21: 5-19.  The hymns for Sunday are My Hope is Built on Nothing Less and This I Know.

Worship begins at 9:45 am, followed by education and fellowship.  Our church provides a Nursery during worship service.  First Presbyterian Church is located at 919 E. Tenth Street in Rolla.  Our website is

Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday and the office being closed on November 28 and 29, please have your December Newsletter articles to Betti Jo by Monday, November 25, 2013.

Life Touch portraits for Darryl Alofs, James Drewniak, Adele Heller, Tricia Lewis, and Ray Evans are in the office available for pickup.  Office hours are Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

The church is seeking a Nursery assistant to work with Dawn each week.  The hours would be Sunday mornings from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. and occasional special service times.  You must submit to a background check, get certified for CPR/First Aide and have a current TB test.  Experience with children preferred.  Position available immediately.  If interested, please contact Betti Jo in the office at 573-364-3852 or by email at

Deacon’s Care Packages:  If you have a college student or any secondary education student, please give your student’s name, address, phone number, and/or email address to Cheryl Koederitz (email:  The deacons would love to send them a care package of goodies.  We would also like to do this for anyone serving our country overseas.  The deadline for this is no later than Monday, December 2.

Please take time to look at the Heritage Map outside the office.  Find your set of two name tags and use one or both to indicate where your original forbears came from  If you are Native American, obviously select the USA area.  Otherwise there should be another country to select.  150th is doing this project to put us in touch with our roots, like those folks from 150 years ago.  I think it will also show how our church has been embraced by more nationalities other than the original Scottish Presbyterians.

THANK YOU for all your prayers and support.  Please continue to keep me and Chuck’s family in your prayers, Carol Bennett.

Our goal to refurbish the bells has been reached.  Thank you to everyone who contributed.

A letter was received from the Manor today asking those who would like to be a Secret Santa  to call or stop by the Manor to receive their resident wish list.  It should be available November 18th. They ask that the gifts per resident not exceed $40, since Santa treats all residents equally.  Deliver your gift to the Manor by December 16, 2013 and Santa’s elves will wrap each present to deliver to the residents on Christmas morning.  If you have any questions please contact Santa’s head elf, Joelle Freeland, at the  Manor at 573-364-7336.

Troop 83 Cub Scouts will be doing some service work at the church cleaning up the flower beds in the coming weeks.