October 27, 2013

The title of Pastor John Oerter’s sermon for the week of October 27, 2013 is Hilarity based on scriptures from 2 Corinthians 9: 7.  The hymns for Sunday are All People That on Earth Do Dwell and In the Cross of Christ I Glory.

Worship begins at 9:45 am, followed by education and fellowship.  Our church provides a Nursery during worship service.  First Presbyterian Church is located at 919 E. Tenth Street in Rolla.  Our website is www.rollapresby.org.

Please take an opportunity to sing some wonderful hymns with a wonderful guest organist who has traveled from Rochester, MN to join us on Sunday.  We will gather at 2:00 pm in the sanctuary to sing, and also listen to some exciting music performed by Robert Hachmeister.

Arts Rolla has a current show at The Centre showcasing some of Jan Roberts’ art until Tuesday, October 29th.  You may want to go and check it out.

The Preschool is still in need of several Presby-Grandparents to play games with the Preschool children on October 31st from 9 – 10:30 a.m.  Please contact Betti Jo in the office at 364-3852 or Carol Jessop at 364-2433 if you are available to help.

Deadline for November Newsletter articles is Wednesday, October 30th.

Slips to complete to ‘Honor a Vet’ and ‘Stewardship’ forms are now on the round table as you enter the sanctuary.

Happy October!  The residents and staff at Presbyterian Manor of Rolla would like to invite your children to come and Trick or Treat in our Community.  We will have our front doors open from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Halloween Night.  We are located at 1200 Homelife Plaza, off of Forum, by the Anderson Foot Clinic.  Hope to see you!

For those of you who are wanting to learn to share our faith more directly and effectively:  We are holding a mid-Saturday retreat called:  “Spreading the Good Word”.  We will gather at the church on Saturday, November 9th @ 10 a.m.  You will be served lunch, and we will end by 3 p.m.

Pastor John will guide us in our exploration … we will study a bit, and talk, and pray.  We are seeking God’s leading to our next steps in inviting persons into the best experience in our lives!

SO, if you are experiencing the nudge of the Holy Spirit, or if you are just curious, please join us on Saturday, November 9th, anytime from 9-3! – from Pastor John, on behalf of our Session, Deacons and Membership Committee

We are in need of people to host fellowship each week.  There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside the church office.

Thank you to everyone who helped so much with our historic weekend, with preparation and clean-up at the Olive Street Church, attendance at the reception, participation in the reunion choir and help with the meal that followed.  Thank you also to all who were gracious to the many visitors we had last week, especially our former pastors, Hugh Stewart, wife Pat and Miles White, and wife Caroline.  A great big Thank You to Jeff Sandquist who went beyond my expectations in preparing special arrangements for the brass to help with hymns and anthems.  We are blessed with Jeff as our Music Director. Also another huge Thank You to Betti Jo Pyatt who did so much work to make the fall activities happen including taking still photos and video of the Reunion Choir.

We have heard how blessed we are many times this week as we recalled our history, as we choose to reach out and greet the many new people who are with us week after week, and as we work to the glory of God’s Kingdom on earth.  Our pastors helped us remember to give joyfully of our time, talent, and treasure.

If you did not get your picture taken for the Sesquicentennial Directory, please let the office or Mary know to arrange a picture to be included.  – Mary Kwantes