September 29, 2013

The title of Pastor John Oerter’s sermon for the week of September 29, 2013 is “The Underside of the Miracle at Coogan’s Bluff” based on scriptures from 1 Timothy 6: 6-19.  The hymns for Sunday are Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun, and There is a Balm in Gilead.

Worship begins at 9:45 am, followed by education and fellowship.  Our church provides a Nursery during worship service.  First Presbyterian Church is located at 919 E. Tenth Street in Rolla.  Our website is

Upcoming events include:

Bonfire October 5 from 5-8 pm at the Whitakers.  Sign up outside the church office.

Popcorn sales by the scouts begin September 29 in the fellowship hall during fellowship time.

Reverend Orr will be here October 9 from 4-6 pm.

Health Kits for the Festival of Sharing are due by October 12th.

Presbyterian Women Rummage sale is October 5 from 8 – 2 in the Fellowship Hall.

Peacemaking Offering will end October 6th.

Pictorial Directory appointments are being made for October 23 – 26.  Go to our website at to make your appointment now.

Public reception at the Olive Street Church is October 19th from 10:00 – noon.

If you are able to provide transportation  to our support needed friends, contact Carrie Aswegan at 426-2733 or by email at

Newsletter article deadline for October is Wednesday, October 2.