Our Fall Stewardship Campaign is Coming!

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye.

Our Fall Stewardship Campaign is Coming!

When the words “stewardship campaign” come up, we often think just about making a financial commitment to the church for the coming year.

However, rightly understood, stewardship is far more inclusive than mere money.  We are called to be: “Stewards of the mysteries of God” as St. Paul puts it in 1 Corinthians 4: 1 Being a Steward~Disciple of Jesus involves all that we have and are! We can be responsible Stewards with  all our resources:  our talents, our time, and our treasures … so that we can continue to bring God’s Shalom forward!

As members and friends of First Presbyterian Church of Rolla, the gifts we offer of our time, skills and financial resources, are holy gifts.  They are symbols of love and signs of grace offered out of joy and devotion; symbols of our covenant of love with Jesus Christ; made in response to Christ’s great love, which was offered first to us.  Consider Matthew 6:38: “Give and it will be given to you.  A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be poured into your lap.  For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

We pray for God’s guidance as you seek to determine how you will give of your own gifts of time, talent, and treasure to further God’s work through our blessed church.

On Sunday, October 1st, we will begin our Fall Campaign. On the 13th you will receive our Narrative Budget, a Commitment Card and an Estimate of Giving card.  The Narrative Budget will show how our Session intends to invest our financial gifts for our church for the coming year.  The Narrative will also provide examples where your gifts of time and talent can be offered.  The Commitment Card will give each of us an opportunity to make commitments to prayer, new spiritual disciplines and activities for the coming year.

During this time of transition and transformation, our church is challenged to move into our future confidently, energetically, generously and trustingly.  We encourage you to pray for specific discernment about what percentage of your ‘harvest’ God is leading you to give. Note that just a small percentage increase in our giving will allow us to meet our regular expenses with active giving!  Please give prayerful consideration of your gifts and commitments to God, through our church, for the coming year.

Grace and peace,

The Stewardship & Finance Committees