Presbyterian Women Rummage Sale October 5, 2013

Presbyterian Women are planning a Rummage Sale on Saturday, October 5, 2013, 8:00 – 2:00 in the Fellowship Hall.  We need your help in making this a success.  Please look through your cupboards and storage places and anything you have not used in the past two years bring to us.  Small appliances, kitchen ware, garden tools, books, CDs, games, toys, Christmas ornaments, knick knacks; anything you think will sell will be appreciated.  (NO CLOTHING PLEASE.)  Be sure things are clean and in good condition.  The proceeds will help PW fund our mission projects.  You may bring items to the church on Thursday, October 3, 4:00 – 6:00 pm and anytime Friday, October 4, from  8:00 – 4:00.  If you need someone to pick up items, please call Christine Rueff at 364-7603.