August 18, 2013

The title of Pastor John Oerter’s sermon for the week of August 18, 2013 is For the Joy! based on scriptures from Hebrews 12: 1-2.  The hymns for Sunday are Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart and Joy to the World.

Worship begins at 9:45 am, followed by fellowship.  Our church provides a Nursery during worship service.  First Presbyterian Church is located at 919 E. Tenth   Street in Rolla.  Our website is

Calling Able Bodies and Support Personnel!  Our Play Ground needs help so it will be safe and inviting. We’re holding a Play Ground Work Project for Saturday, August 31st, beginning at 10:00 a.m. [So you working folks can have a hand in the fun!]

Primarily, we will be toting the gravel back up the slope, so please bring rakes, shovels, buckets, wheel barrows.  There may also be some carpentry on the swings and other play equipment, so think that through, also.

Points of contact: Larry Roberts, Trustee @ 573-364-2841 & Candace Ludden @ 201-9619 or 573-364-0992 [Betti Jo or Pastor John, too]. 

Float trip August 24 on the Big Piney.  There is a sign up board posted outside the church office.

Mid-year Financial statements have been prepared by Barb Ford and are on the table outside the church office for you to pick up.

Upcoming CE events:

Sunday, August 25:  Children’s Swim Party at the Cottingham’s house, 1:30 – 4:30 pm.

Sunday, September 8: Sunday School Kick-off.  Adult class on “Honoring God” from the book of Timothy in the Journey classroom, children 11 and up in Sadler Lounge, and children 10 and under in upstairs Sunday School classroom.

Interested in teaching a month of children’s Sunday School?  Contact Susan Murray or Pastor John for more information. 

The Mission Committee is asking the congregation again this year to prepare Health Kits for the Festival of Sharing in October.  The kits can be placed in the box in the foyer between now and October 12th.  HEALTH KIT ITEMS: 1 hand towel, 1 washcloth, 1 wide-tooth comb, 6 standard size Band-Aids, 1 toothbrush, 1 bar of soap, 1 metal nail clipper.  Place all items in a one gallon plastic bag with zipper closure.  DO NOT include toothpaste, it will be added prior to shipment.

There are many members who have vivid memories of the very early years or even later.  All of your memories are important.  Please jot them down and send to the office.  In the first part of 2014, we will begin compiling and editing to publish them.  Some may find their way to earlier bulletins or newsletters.  Please remember to look at the sign-up sheet for the lunch on September 8th.  If you will be in town, consider coming and celebrating our 50 year members.  Our Committee meeting is August 25th at 11 am in the lounge.  All are welcome.  We would like someone to volunteer to take and publish notes of these meetings.  Other needs as mentioned on August are flowers for October 20, money to provide meat for the big lunch on that day, and enthusiastic members to spread the word around town.