July 07, 2013

The title of Pastor John Oerter’s sermon for the week of July 07, 2013 is “Good to Go” based on scriptures from 2 Kings 2: 1-2, 6 -14.  The hymns for Sunday are I Come with Joy; Lord, We Have Come at Your Own Invitation; and O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing.  There will be special music, Here I Am, Lord, by Mary Kwantes.

Worship begins at 9:45 am, followed by education and fellowship.  Our church provides a Nursery during worship service.  First Presbyterian Church is located at 919 E. Tenth Street in Rolla.  Our website is www.rollapresby.org.

We are still in search of pictorial directories for the 150th Anniversary celebration.  You may drop them off at the church or contact Mary Kwantes.

Disaster Buckets are still available to fill by August 1st.  Sign-up sheet is on the table across from the office.

A box has been placed in the hallway across from the office for placement of your bottles of Elmer’s School Glue for the Rolla Back to School Fair August 7, 2013.

July 13 is dinner at the Whitakers and then to see Neil Simon’s play “Fools”.  There are still a few slots available.  Sign-up sheet is in the hall across from the office.  If you need to carpool, meet at the church parking lot at 5:15 pm.

There is a tub in the foyer area where you may drop off your gently used tennis or casual shoes to be distributed on July 27th at Salem Avenue Baptist Church’s Shoe Closet.

We had a wonderful Block Party on the 29th with between 65 and 70 people in attendance…almost half were guests from our neighborhood.  If you care  to help defray the costs of the party, please indicate “Membership Block Party” on your check.  Your attendance, help, and support are all appreciated very much.  Special Big “Thank You” to those who canvassed; Bob May, Wendy and Michael Wilbanks, Eleanor Van Horn, and Jonathan Kimball.