January 2013 Newsletter


January 2013

First Presbyterian   Church Phone:  573-364-3852
919 East 10th Street Fax:  573-426-5320
Rolla, MO  65401 Email:  presby1@fidnet.com
  Website:  www.rollapresby.org
  Jeff   Sandquist, Choir Director
Kathy   Mazzeo, Organist/Pianist Candace   Ludden, Preschool Director
Betti   Jo Pyatt, Office Manager Robert   Garcia, Church Sexton





Mary   Kwantes (2012) Karen   Hudson (2012) Chuck   Bennett (2012)
Dixie Finley (2012) Pat   Joslin (2012) Ward   Merrell (2012)
Bob   May (2012) Judy   Fox (2012) Frank   Jessop (2014)
Katherine   Cook (2013) Carol   Jennings (2013) Robert   Anderson (2014)
Ming   Leu (2013) Jay   Turner (2013) Rhonda   Kimball (2014)
Jonathan   Kimball (2013) Carrie   Aswegan (2014) Ken   Kwantes (2014)
Susan   Murray (2014) Cheryl   Koederitz (2014)  
Vashy   Rahaman (2014) Pat   Look (2014)  
Britt   Whitaker (2014) Wendy   Wilbanks (2014)  

Cynthia Hobart –   Clerk of Session

We are trying to streamline our newsletter delivery!  At present, we spend approximately $45 PER MONTH on newsletter   mailings.  If you would prefer to   receive an electronic copy of our newsletters via email rather than have them   mailed or left to pick up in the hallway of the church, please email your   family’s name and email address to:  presby1@fidnet.com or use the signup   sheet on the hall table.

                               MISSION Committee

The Mission   Committee would like to thank the congregation for the support of the mission   work of the church this year.  You did   a wonderful job helping to spread the work of this church.  We especially would like to thank you for all the help with food, gifts, and monetary donations for the eight families that we adopted for Christmas, and thanks to the Retired Ladies for the family they adopted.  We appreciate all   those who helped deliver the food and gifts to the families.

GRACE for   Christmas served 433 families including those adopted done by the community,   Churches and other groups.  The family   and individuals counts through GRACE at the Christmas site are 382 families   and 1154 individuals.  Of the   individuals, 105 were handicapped adults from group homes and/or the   sheltered Workshop.  Truly this   community and church represents the true meaning of Christmas by helping   those families and adults in need.  We   must remember what Jesus said, it is “better to

give than receive”.

The Joy Offering   will be sent the second week in January.    If you have coin boxes, please bring them to the church next Sunday   and if you still would like to support the Joy Offering, please do so during   the next two Sundays.  Fifty percent of   the Joy Offering goes to support racial ethnic schools and colleges, and the   other fifty percent goes to the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions.

Frank Jessop

Chair Mission Committee


                              Membership   Committee

With the holiday season behind us, it’s   time to start our member outreach anew.    Our next event is game night, scheduled for January 13, 2013 at 5:00   pm.  We will order pizza shortly after   5:00, hoping to eat around 5:30 or so. Bring a game, and come prepared to   learn new games, too.  This is a great   way to pass the time on a cold winter’s night and has always been lots of   fun.

Next, we’re planning on having a kids’   talent night on February 10.  More   details to come.

Finally, I would like to thank Mary Kwantes   for her leadership over the past 18 months or so, and her continued   dedication to helping our church grow.    I would also like to invite anyone who has an interest in helping out   to contact me.  I welcome involvement   at any level—help with long-term planning, or help with a single event, or   anything in-between.

Jonathan Kimball


                                Stewardship   and Finance
Happy New   Year!  Thanks to everyone who made our   recent Consecration Sunday a success.    Now is the time for all of us to move forward with our new commitments   to supporting God’s work in the world through our church.  For those of you who do not fill out   Estimate of Giving cards, I would still ask that you consider taking one more   step towards tithing.

A year or two ago,   my family started using online banking to fulfill our monthly giving.  The way it’s set up, our bank automatically   cuts a check and mails it to the church each month.  I like it because we are far less likely to   skip a month by accident or due to travel. If you do the same, please   remember to change your monthly amount to match your increased Estimate of   Giving.


                                     Thank You

Thank you from the Staff for the cards, gifts and well wishes during this holiday season.  We appreciate every one of you.  We hope you have a blessed New Year.


Thanks everyone for the great cakes, nice cards, hugs, and pats on the back.  You only reach 90 once in a lifetime.  I’ll shoot for 100 next.  It sure meant a lot to me.  Thanks again, Bud


A thank you note to my church family:  My dad lived at the Veteran’s Home in St. James for six years.  I want to thank you for the friendship and kindness you gave him over those years.  Your cards, emails, visits, and prayers were very much appreciated.  To those of you who brought chocolate and banana bread, well, you know how much he enjoyed his sweets.  I would like to especially thank Marie, Robert, Pat, Carrie, and Dixie who visited dad in his last days with us.  Friends are a blessing from God and dad was very blessed, as I am.

I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and I wish us all a bright New Year.

Thank you,

Bill Neely, Jr.


A special meeting of the Session will be held on Monday, January 07, 2013 at 6:30 pm for the purpose of meeting with Diane Cooke, our liaison, during this time of transition.  Doug Scott, Pastor of Crocker Presbyterian Church, will be moderator.