Join us this Second Sunday in Lent for worship at 9:45 am DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME! Remember to spring forward! Jonathan Kimball will be preaching, “Gathered Into One Brood,” based on Luke 13: 31-35.
Join us on this first Sunday in Lent for worship at 9:45 am. Jonathan Kimball will be preaching, “Temptation in the Desert,” based on Luke 4:1-13. We will also be celebrating communion, so if you are viewing our live stream, be sure to collect communion elements in advance.
Throughout Lent, we will be collecting for the Baskets of Hope, to benefit Russell House, GRACE, and The Rolla Mission. This first Sunday, we are collecting paper towels and toilet paper. The full list is posted on our website.
We are all watching the Russian invasion of Ukraine in horror, and most of us in confusion over the historical context. To help us all understand the situation better, Missouri S&T is hosting an event on Wednesday, March 9, at 4 pm, via Zoom:
The Russian Invasion of Ukraine: An Interdisciplinary Panel Discussion
Rev. Bob Morrison will be preaching on this Transfiguration Sunday. We also plan to baptize a new member, Bryan Martin. Apologies for the technical issues last week–if the live stream fails, we have a better plan so that we will have a backup video to publish after worship.
Right after Transfiguration Sunday comes Lent, which begins with Ash Wednesday on March 2. We will not be holding a service, but our partner in ministry, Christ Episcopal Church, will have drive-thru ashes at noon and a service at 6:30 p.m.
Susan Murray will be preaching “Love My Enemy” based on Psalm 37:1-11, 39-40; 1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50; and Luke 6:27-38. Join us at 9:45 am in person or online. The bulletin is attached in case you would like to print it and bring it along.
Please note that we recently upgraded our sound system. Those of you worshipping remotely may hear some changes as we tweak things in. If you have any comments–good or bad–please share them with Jonathan Kimball.
On this Sixth Sunday After Epiphany, Jonathan Kimball will be preaching. The sermon, “The Kingdom of God is Enough,” will be based on Jeremiah 17:5-10 and Luke 6:17-26.
This is also SOUPER Bowl Sunday. As in past years, we recognize a food mission in our community with the donations on Super Bowl Sunday. This year we are giving to the Back Pack Program and will have collection containers available after worship. If you are worshiping remotely and wish to contribute, put Souper Bowl in the information line on your check.
By the way, the live stream link below (and every week’s link) will also take you to the archived recording after the service. Typically, it is tweaked on Monday to cut out dead time at the beginning, and time stamps are added so that you can go directly to the anthem, sermon, and other important worship elements.
Jonathan Kimball’s sermon, “Follow Me,” will be based on Isaiah 6:1-8 and Luke 5:1-11. We will also celebrate the Lord’s Supper. If you worship remotely, please be prepared with communion elements.
There is an announcement in the bulletin about “Souper Bowl Sunday.” We will collect a special offering next week, February 13.
Rev. Dennis Winzenried will be preaching, “Knit Together as Christ’s Body,” based on 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a and Luke 4:14-21. After worship, we will have our annual congregational meeting.
Please join us for worship on this Baptism of the Lord Sunday. Rev. Dr. John Nipper’s sermon, “Remember Your Baptism,” will be based on Isaiah 43:1-7 and Luke 3:15-17, 21-22.
This Sunday is the Second Sunday of Christmas. Epiphany is officially on January 6, but we will be celebrating it this week. Jonathan Kimball will be preaching, “Christ’s Light Shining Forth,” based on Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, and Matthew 2:1-12. We will also celebrate communion.
Here is the live stream link:
which will go live around 9:35 am for our 9:45 service.
One final note: The weather forecast is a little bit iffy. Should we get ice or a wintry mix, the church leaders will consult and decide what to do. No news means we are still having worship. Regardless, the service will be live streamed, so make wise decisions concerning your ability to drive in the conditions.