Please join us for worship this Second Sunday of Easter. Pastor Amy Cornelius will be preaching on John 20:19-31.
Live stream link:
Please join us for worship this Second Sunday of Easter. Pastor Amy Cornelius will be preaching on John 20:19-31.
Live stream link:
Please join us for worship this Easter Sunday at 9:45 am. Rev. Gary Stratman’s sermon, “The Talk of the Town,” will be based on Luke 24:13-35, 41-43. We will have brunch in the fellowship hall following worship.
Live stream link:
This is the last Sunday collecting for the One Great Hour of Sharing.
Please join us for worship on this Palm/Passion Sunday. It will be a very full service, including the baptism of a new member, Cassie Rice, and a celebration of the Lord’s Supper.
Live stream link:
Please read the April 2023 Newsletter for details about Holy Week events. Also a reminder that this Sunday is the last week for collecting for the Easter Basket of Hope (personal hygiene products). We will continue collecting for the One Great Hour of Sharing through Easter day, April 9.
Please join us for worship this Fifth Sunday in Lent. Jonathan Kimball will be preaching on the raising of Lazarus, John 11:1-45.
Live stream link:
Please join us for worship this Fourth Sunday in Lent. Pastor Amy Cornelius will be preaching on John 9:39-41.
Live stream link:
Remember that we are collecting for the Easter Basket of Hope; this Sunday is dish detergent. We are also collecting for the One Great Hour of Sharing through April 9.
Due to either a user error or network error, the live stream did not get started today. However, the video was recorded. Our apologies. Here is a link to the archived recording:
Please join us for worship this Third Sunday in Lent. Susan Murray’s sermon, “We Are Truly Blessed,” will be based on Romans 5:1-11.
Live stream link:
Our Easter Basket of Hope item this week is laundry products. We are also collecting for the One Great Hour of Sharing each week until April 9. Your donations will go to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Presbyterian Hunger Program and the self-development of people.
Join us for worship this Second Sunday of Lent at 9:45 am. Jonathan Kimball will be preaching, “Legacy of Love,” based on John 3:1-17. We will also celebrate the Lord’s Supper.
Live stream link:
Our Lenten book study, Meeting Jesus at the Table, continues each Wednesday. Come as early as 5:30 with your dinner; the discussion starts at 6:00.
We are continuing our collection of items for the Easter Basket of Hope. This week is paper towels.
Please join us for worship this First Sunday in Lent. Susan Murray will be preaching, “Something You Can Hang On the Wall,” based on Matthew 4:1-11.
Live stream link:
Two reminders:
Please join us for worship this Transfiguration Sunday. Sermon based on Matthew 17:1-9 provided by Pastor Amy Cornelius.
Live stream link:
Our observance of Lent starts this Wednesday, February 22, with an Ash Wednesday service in the sanctuary. Please arrive between 5:30 and 6:00 with a meal. We will eat together and discuss the first lesson in Meeting Jesus at the Table, and then conclude with a service of imposition of ashes.