Daily Prayer for Holy Monday

Everything that happens during this week points to the crucifixion. We see Jesus move with his disciples through this week as he prepares the for his leaving. We witness his interactions, hear him make commands, offer encouragement as well as warning.
Below are the daily readings for this week along with some prayers provided by the Book of Daily prayer. I invite you to set aside some time for prayer and reflection this week as we move together toward the cross. If you have friends or family together, perhaps this would be good to do together. The gospel reading is written in separate voices so you can hear the exchange like the conversation it was. However you chose to engage these prayers and scriptures, I pray they offer you insight and wisdom as you move with Jesus to the cross.

Monday of Holy Week

From the rising of the sun to its setting let the name of the Lord be praised.

PSALM READING Psalm 36:5-11
OLD TESTAMENT Isaiah 42:1-9
EPISTLE READING Hebrews 9:11-15
Six days before the Passover Jesus came to Bethany, the home of Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. 2 There they gave a dinner for him. Martha served, and Lazarus was one of those at the table with him. 3 Mary took a pound of costly perfume made of pure nard, anointed Jesus’ feet, and wiped them with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. 4 But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples (the one who was about to betray him), said, 5 ‘Why was this perfume not sold for three hundred denarii and the money given to the poor?’ 6 (He said this not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief; he kept the common purse and used to steal what was put into it.) 7 Jesus said, ‘Leave her alone. She bought it so that she might keep it for the day of my burial. 8 You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me.’
The Plot to Kill Lazarus
9 When the great crowd of the Jews learned that he was there, they came not only because of Jesus but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. 10 So the chief priests planned to put Lazarus to death as well, 11 since it was on account of him that many of the Jews were deserting and were believing in Jesus.

I will call upon God, and the Lord will answer me.
Evening, morning, and at noon I offer my prayers, and the Lord will hear my voice.
(Prayers of thanksgiving and intercession are offered)
Blessed Savior, at this hour you hung upon the cross, stretching out your loving arms.
Grant that all the peoples of the earth may be drawn to your redeeming love; for your kingdom’s sake. Amen.


May we continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Amen. Bless the Lord. The Lord’s name be praised.

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Gospel Reading April 3

Gospel Reading to Lead Us into Holy Week on Sunday April 5 – Palm Sunday

Matthew 21:1-11
21:1 When they had come near Jerusalem and had reached Bethphage, at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples,

21:2 saying to them, “Go into the village ahead of you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her; untie them and bring them to me.

21:3 If anyone says anything to you, just say this, ‘The Lord needs them.’ And he will send them immediately.”

21:4 This took place to fulfill what had been spoken through the prophet, saying,

21:5 “Tell the daughter of Zion, Look, your king is coming to you, humble, and mounted on a donkey, and on a colt, the foal of a donkey.”

21:6 The disciples went and did as Jesus had directed them;

21:7 they brought the donkey and the colt, and put their cloaks on them, and he sat on them.

21:8 A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road.

21:9 The crowds that went ahead of him and that followed were shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven!”

21:10 When he entered Jerusalem, the whole city was in turmoil, asking, “Who is this?”

21:11 The crowds were saying, “This is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth in Galilee.”


As we make our way through this life, we pray you guide our steps and watch over our work and leisure.  Bless those who are poor in spirit and comfort those who mourn. Uphold the persecuted and embolden the fearful. This we ask for the glory or our Lord. Amen.

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Psalm of the Day Thursday April 2

Psalm 27 The Voice (VOICE)

Psalm 27

A song of David.

The Eternal is my light amidst my darkness
    and my rescue in times of trouble.
    So whom shall I fear?
He surrounds me with a fortress of protection.
    So nothing should cause me alarm.

When my enemies advanced
    to devour me alive,
They tripped and fell flat on their faces into the soil.

When the armies of the enemysurround me,
    I will not be afraid.
When death calls for me in the midst of war,
    my soul is confident and unmoved.

I am pleading with the Eternal for this one thing,
    my soul’s desire:
To live with Him all of my days—
    in the shadow of His temple,
To behold His beauty and ponder His ways
    in the company of His people.

His house is my shelter and secret retreat.
    It is there I find peace in the midst of storm and turmoil.
Safety sits with me in the hiding place of God.
    He will set me on a rock, high above the fray.

God lifts me high above those with thoughts
    of death and deceit that call for my life.
I will enter His presence, offering sacrifices and praise.
    In His house, I am overcome with joy
As I sing, yes, and play music for the Eternal alone.
I cannot shout any louder. Eternal One—hear my cry
    and respond with Your grace.
The prodding of my heart leads me to chase after You.
    I am seeking You, Eternal One—don’t retreat from me.
You have always answered my call.
    Don’t hide from me now.

Don’t give up on me in anger at Your servant.
    You have always been there for me.
Don’t throw me to the side and forget me,
    my God and only salvation.
10 My father and mother have deserted me,
    yet the Eternal will take me in.

11 O Eternal, show me Your way,
    shine Your light brightly on this path, and make it level for me,
    for my enemies are lurking in the recesses and ravines along the way.
12 They are watching—hoping to seize me.
    Do not release me to their desires or surrender me to their will!
Liars are standing against me,
    breathing out cruel lies hoping that I will die.

13 I will move past my enemies with this one, sure hope:
    that with my own eyes, I will see the goodness of the Eternal
    in the land of the living.

14 Please answer me: Don’t give up.
Wait for the Eternal in expectation, and be strong.
Again, wait for the Eternal.


May your light always shine in the darkness as we navigate this world .  Those who are weary, may they find strength  Those who are joyful, may they find their voices to offer praise.  Those who are wise, may they offer counsel, and may the seeking heed it.  May we live each day in your presence and offer thanks for your eternal care.  Amen


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Psalm of the Day April 1

Psalm 5 (The Voice Translation)

Bend Your ear to me and listen to my words, O Eternal One;
    hear the deep cry of my heart.
Listen to my call for help,
    my King, my True God;
    to You alone I pray.
In the morning, O Eternal One, listen for my voice;
    in the day’s first light, I will offer my prayer to You and watch expectantly for Your answer.

You’re not a God who smiles at sin;
    You cannot abide with evil.
The proud wither in Your presence;
    You hate all who pervert and destroy what is good.
You destroy those with lying lips;
    the Eternal detests those who murder and deceive.

Yet I, by Your loving grace,
    am welcomed into Your house;
I will turn my face toward Your holy place
    and fall on my knees in reverence before You.
O Eternal One, lead me in the path of Your righteousness
    amidst those who wish me harm;
    make Your way clear to me.

Their words cannot be trusted;
    they are destructive to their cores.
What comes out of their mouths is as foul as a rotting corpse;
    their words stink of flattery.
10 Find them guilty, O True God;
    let their own devices bring them ruin.
Throw them out, and let them drownin the deluge of their sin,
    for in revolt they brazenly spit in Your face.

11 But let those who run to You for safety be glad they did;
let them break out in joyful song.
May You keep them safe—
their love for You resounding in their hearts.
12 You, O Eternal, are the One who lays all good things in the laps of the right-hearted.
Your blessings surround them like a shield.


Give us your peace, oh God, that we will know your loving care.  Help us be aware of your love which surrounds us and keeps us whole

Today we pray for our loved ones who are in need of your strength and healing…

We pray for our neighbors who may be lonely, ill, or grieving…..

We pray for healthcare workers who are pushed beyond exhaustion and who are giving their all in the pandemic….

We pray for our leaders, locally and nationally and internationally, that cool heads prevail, that they make informed decisions for the good of us all, that your gift of science and medical understanding may lead the way to spare the lives of those who are threatened….

We pray for those who are without: without support, without food and shelter, without hope, without love.  May we, your church, do as you have called us to do and demonstrate grace through our actions.
In Christ’s name we pray, Amen


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Psalm of the Day

Psalm 34

Of David, when he feigned madness before Abimelech, so that he drove him out, and he went away.
1 I will bless the Lord at all times;
his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
2 My soul makes its boast in the Lord;
let the humble hear and be glad.
3 O magnify the Lord with me,
and let us exalt his name together.

4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me,
and delivered me from all my fears.
5 Look to him, and be radiant;
so your faces shall never be ashamed.
6 This poor soul cried, and was heard by the Lord,
and was saved from every trouble.
7 The angel of the Lord encamps
around those who fear him, and delivers them.
8 O taste and see that the Lord is good;
happy are those who take refuge in him.
9 O fear the Lord, you his holy ones,
for those who fear him have no want.
10 The young lions suffer want and hunger,
but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.

11 Come, O children, listen to me;
I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
12 Which of you desires life,
and covets many days to enjoy good?
13 Keep your tongue from evil,
and your lips from speaking deceit.
14 Depart from evil, and do good;
seek peace, and pursue it.

15 The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
and his ears are open to their cry.
16 The face of the Lord is against evildoers,
to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.
17 When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears,
and rescues them from all their troubles.
18 The Lord is near to the broken-hearted,
and saves the crushed in spirit.

19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
but the Lord rescues them from them all.
20 He keeps all their bones;
not one of them will be broken.
21 Evil brings death to the wicked,
and those who hate the righteous will be condemned.
22 The Lord redeems the life of his servants;
none of those who take refuge in him will be condemned

Prayer of the Day

By your spirit, O God,  give us hearts to love you, minds to know you, souls to bless you, and strength to serve you.   Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

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Psalm for the Day

Today’s psalm is actually our lectionary psalm for Sunday, Palm Sunday. It may sound familiar, with festal shouts and great praise.  As we make our way to Palm Sunday in this season of disruption, for what do you praise God?  If we were shouting to Christ with our palms, what would be our prayer?  How do praise God in the midst of our joys and our concerns?

Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29

118:1 O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his steadfast love endures forever!

118:2 Let Israel say, “His steadfast love endures forever.”

118:19 Open to me the gates of righteousness, that I may enter through them and give thanks to the LORD.

118:20 This is the gate of the LORD; the righteous shall enter through it.

118:21 I thank you that you have answered me and have become my salvation.

118:22 The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone.

118:23 This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.

118:24 This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

118:25 Save us, we beseech you, O LORD! O LORD, we beseech you, give us success!

118:26 Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the LORD. We bless you from the house of the LORD.

118:27 The LORD is God, and he has given us light. Bind the festal procession with branches, up to the horns of the altar.

118:28 You are my God, and I will give thanks to you; you are my God, I will extol you.

118:29 O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.

Prayer of the Day:

Great God, You are one God, and you bring together what is scattered, and mend what is broken. Unite us with the scattered peoples of the earth that we may be one family of your united children. Bind up all our wounds and heal us in spirit that we may  be renewed. In Christ we pray, Amen.

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Psalm of the Day 141

Psalm 141

Prayer for Preservation from Evil

A Psalm of David.
1 I call upon you, O Lord; come quickly to me;
give ear to my voice when I call to you.
2 Let my prayer be counted as incense before you,
and the lifting up of my hands as an evening sacrifice.
3 Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord;  keep watch over the door of my lips.
4 Do not turn my heart to any evil,   to busy myself with wicked deeds in company with those who work iniquity;  do not let me eat of their delicacies.
5 Let the righteous strike me;
let the faithful correct me.
Never let the oil of the wicked anoint my head,
But my eyes are turned towards you, O God, my Lord;   in you I seek refuge; do not leave me defenceless.
9 Keep me from the trap that they have laid for me,
and from the snares of evildoers.
10 Let the wicked fall into their own nets,
while I alone escape.


Everlasting God, you are our strength in times of struggle.  We thank you for the love you’ve shown us in Christ Jesus  We pray that his love will be reflected in our lives, what we say, think, feel, and do

Today we offer up prayers for those who heal, medical professionals, caregivers, chaplains, and hospital staff.  Be with them in this extraordinary time.  Give them strength and courage even as they cope with grief, exhaustion, fear, and frustration.
We pray for those who are sick and suffering…

Those who are lonely and isolated….

Those who are hungry, poorly housed, and without the means to meet their basic needs …

May we continue to be your loving church and offer what we are able  For all of these things we pray in Christ’s name, Amen


Noon Prayer

Pope calls all Christians to pray Our Father together, March 25 at noon

As we are all united in the pandemic, may we all be united in prayer, Pope Francis urges.

Pope Francis invited all Christians of the globe to unite on March 25 at noon to pray the Our Father together — so that as the entire world is suffering from the pandemic, so the Lord might hear all of Christendom united in prayer.